A Lady lying on the road and a damaged car

When Do I Need A Lakeland Car Accident Lawyer?

Not all car accidents require the people involved to call an attorney. Sometimes liability is clear or the accident results in just minor property damage or minor injuries. However, it is important that you know you have the right to hire a lawyer after an accident. Attorneys help to investigate wrecks and negotiate with insurance companies on victims’ behalf. They also use their knowledge of the law and similar cases to help them get the compensation they deserve.

You will likely find the services of an attorney especially valuable if you have suffered serious injuries such as:

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Spinal cord damage
  • Severe disfigurement
  • Permanent loss of a part of your body or the use of that part

When insurance companies receive claims for these types of injuries, they often look for ways to minimize the amount they have to payout. They may question how you suffered the injury or whether it is really as bad as you claim. If they can find a reason to deny your claim in its entirety, they’ll use it. Otherwise, they’ll offer you the lowest possible sum and try to convince you that’s all your claim is worth. When you have a Lakeland auto accident attorney on your side, they’ll advise you on when you should fight for more and when an offer seems fair.

Some car accident cases are complex, and lawyers can be especially helpful if the insurer is denying your claim. You should seriously consider hiring legal counsel if:

  • You’re being accused of causing the crash
  • The insurer asks for access to your medical history
  • The insurer denies your claim or is offering you significantly less than the value of your losses
  • Your vehicle will cost thousands of dollars to repair
  • The accident involved a company-owned vehicle or a driver who was on the job
  • The accident involved multiple vehicles or several at-fault parties

How To Choose The Right Car Accident Lawyer

Picking the right attorney can be difficult. You need a lawyer who’s not only familiar with the law but one who regularly handles car accident cases. They must be willing to do the necessary research and come up with strategies to help you get fair compensation. They should have a reputation of working closely with their clients, explaining the law to them, and working in their best interests. They must also know how to win cases that go all the way to trial.

Any lawyer can tell you what they think you want to hear but you need someone who:

  • Has a track record of winning fair settlements and verdicts
  • Has authentic testimonials from clients
  • Is in good standing with the state bar

How Much Does A Car Accident Lawyer Cost?

Most car accident lawyers in the United States operate on a contingency basis. This means you only pay them if you win your case. This may be through an out-of-court settlement or a jury verdict. You will pay a specified percentage of the amount you receive, and you’ll pay less if the case doesn’t go all the way to trial.

The contingency fee arrangement encourages lawyers to not just seek a settlement but to seek maximum compensation on your behalf. You can be sure that they will only take your case if they believe they can win, and they’ll devote lots of attention to your matter. The first consultation is free and you’re under no obligation to hire a lawyer just because you met with them for a case review. You can talk to more than one attorney to help ensure you hire the right one for your case.

Let Burnetti, P.A. Help You With Your Car Accident Case

If you were involved in a serious car accident, it’s best that you hire a Lakeland car accident lawyer. The other driver’s insurance company won’t be concerned with your best interests. They simply want to limit the amount they have to payout. You should never accept a settlement before talking to an attorney about your case even if the insurance adjuster says you don’t need a lawyer.

At the earliest opportunity following your accident, you should contact the team at Burnetti, PA. We’ll do everything we reasonably and legally can to get you the compensation you deserve. Whether your accident was caused by another driver’s speed, intoxication or overall recklessness, you need to know your legal options. Contact us today to schedule a free case review and benefit from our expert opinion.
