reaching out for a handshake

Recognizing a Fair Settlement Offer

After a car crash, it’s crucial to obtain compensation for the damages you encounter. When insurance companies offer you a settlement, you need to ensure that it covers all of the losses associated with your damages. If the insurance company offers you a low settlement, be sure to speak with a lawyer so that you know ways to maximize what you deserve.

What’s In the Settlement?

We advise hiring a lawyer to help you navigate your claim and pursue the maximum settlement possible. However, if you haven’t hired a lawyer yet and are unsure if you should accept the settlement, these are a few of the things you should look for:

  • Does it include economic damages? Your settlement offer should be enough to cover all damages, including your medical bills, lost income, and property damage. However, it may not always align with the policy, so you might need to pursue additional compensation.
  • Does it include non-economic damages? You may be able to pursue compensation for your pain and suffering. If the settlement offer does not factor in your mental trauma, be sure to speak with a lawyer.

Insurance companies offer low settlements because they want to save money. They hope that you will accept whatever they try to offer you. They know that you need money. If you accept the offer, though, you may forfeit your right to pursue any further compensation.

Before you accept anything, discuss the offer with a qualified lawyer. Hiring a legal team to safeguard your rights puts insurance adjusters on notice that you are not messing around. You demand justice, and you will pursue maximum compensation when you need it most.

Our Florida car accident lawyers at Burnetti, P.A. have a reputation for providing the highest level of care during stressful times. Our legal team will work on your behalf and stand in your corner to seek the just and rightful compensation you need during this challenging time. Trust that we will be there for you every step of the way.

Call our firm today at (888) 444-8508.
