young individuals in a car

The 100 Deadliest Days of Summer

Starting Memorial Day weekend is a potentially devastating time known as the 100 deadliest days of summer. It’s a time that has historically shown increases in severe crashes. Because we know that Florida is a popular destination during the summer, it’s vital for people to recognize what these months mean for drivers and how dangers can increase.

When Are the 100 Deadliest Days of Summer?

The 100 deadliest days are from Memorial Day weekend until Labor Day weekend. It’s within these months that more people are on the road and several holidays occur.

Why Are They So Dangerous?

Several dangers arise during the summer months. Recognizing these dangers can help keep you safe. You can’t predict what someone else will do, but you can take steps to keep yourself from encountering negligent drivers.

  • More drivers on the road. Younger and often inexperienced drivers are not in school, and travelers might be in the area more often in the summer months.
  • Holidays and the potential for drunk driving. Three holidays occur during this time period, and they often increase the number of drunk drivers on the road.
  • Young teens and distractions. The most common individuals who suffer injuries during the summer months are teens. They are younger drivers who may be more distracted by cell phone use and others in their vehicles.

What Can You Do to Stay Safe?

Pay close attention to other drivers and how they are reacting on the road. You might see a driver swerving or speeding, which could indicate potential negligence. If you notice any sign of a negligent driver, don’t attempt to pass them. Instead, stay back and report the driver to local law enforcement.

At Burnetti, P.A., we put you first. Our Florida car accident lawyers will explain your options and help you pursue the maximum compensation available in your case. If you suffer an injury because of negligence, trust that we will be by your side throughout the process, protecting you from many of the pitfalls that can arise as you attempt to seek justice.

Call us at (888) 444-8508 today!
