tired driver at the wheel

The Impact of Fatigued Driving

The impact of fatigued driving can be disastrous and far-reaching. A person who is too tired to be behind the wheel significantly increases their risk of causing a devastating accident due to decreased reaction time and poor decision making. Unfortunately, many people still underestimate the dangers of operating a motor vehicle while they are drowsy.

Even one second of sleep deprivation has been shown to impair cognitive functioning and diminish the ability to judge distances accurately, both necessary skills for safe driving. Everyone should understand that such risks are serious and prioritize getting enough rest before hitting the roadways.

Symptoms of Fatigue and How They Impact the Ability to Drive

Fatigue is a common symptom that affects people in many different ways. It can impact everyday tasks such as driving, making concentration levels difficult and reaction times slower. When someone is suffering from fatigue their ability to drive safely begins to decrease due to the physical and cognitive changes it brings about.

Physical effects may include headaches, difficulty maintaining posture, feelings of exhaustion, and even blurred vision. Cognitive symptoms could be forgetfulness, confusion, limited perception, and impaired decision-making skills. While these symptoms alone can have a tremendous effect on the motorist's capacity behind the wheel, when combined they could lead to major accidents or worse.

If you find yourself exhibiting any of these signs of fatigue, you should make sure to take sufficient breaks or adjust your plans entirely - it's always best to err on the side of caution!

How Fatigued Driving Causes Severe Crashes

Fatigued driving can be extremely dangerous, as it causes thousands of severe crashes each year. Drowsy or tired drivers often fail to notice hazards on the road that they would pay attention to if they were alert and properly rested. Research has found that fatigue impairs our decision-making ability, reaction time and alertness behind the wheel similarly to alcohol intoxication.

Tired motorists also have trouble staying in their lane, which may result in sideswipe collisions or rollover accidents. If you begin to feel sleepy while driving, you should pull off the road, take a quick nap and resume your journey only after getting enough rest. Taking such steps is a small price to pay for preventing the added risk of being involved in a crash due to fatigue.

Our Florida car accident lawyers at Burnetti, P.A. are here to help you! Let us stand in your corner.

Call us today at (888) 444-8508!
